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1. What do you mean by industry and industrialists?
2. What is the origin of the word 'Entrepreneur' and what is the meaning according to the source?
3. What qualities should an entrepreneur have?
4. What do you mean by creativity?
5. How does a person's creativity and tendency to take risks make him a successful entrepreneur?


1. Meet a successful businessman in your area. Write down what qualities of that person attracted you through the conversation. Compare those qualities with those mentioned in section 1.3 of the present chapter.

2. Complete the above exercise and compare them with your qualities. Write Shakti or 'Strength' next to those qualities that you think match that person's qualities. Write weaknesses next to the qualities you don't have. Now think about what to do to overcome your weakness. If necessary, discuss this with parents or teachers. If you can overcome your weaknesses, your self-confidence will increase a lot. Whether you're an entrepreneur or not, self-confidence will go a long way in life.

Below is a brief description of the life stories of some successful industrialists. After studying them, describe the following points for each description.

1. Name of Industrialist -

2. Name of Industry –

3. Nature of Art -

4. Primary problems –

5. According to industrialists, what qualities are necessary to be successful -

6. Compatibility of the qualities mentioned in number 6 with your qualities -

7. Incompatibility of the qualities mentioned in number 6 with your qualities -

8. Your other powers are –

9. Your Weaknesses -

10. Your thoughtful opinion -