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A principle is a constant truth and serves as the basis of any action. Henry Fell is the originator of management principles. He mentions 14 principles of management. Later, Luther Gallic and Lyndall Arwick expanded and refined some of Feyle's principles to include all areas of management. Luther Gallic and Lyndall Arwick's principles are known as Principles of Management. The word "PODSCORB" is pronounced to remember the principles.



Pre-decided or pre-planned preparation for a task is called planning. Planning is the primary and fundamental step in management activities. What to do? How to do? Where will be done? And who will? - The preliminary work which contains answers to such questions, is called planning. Where are we now? And where do you want to go in the future: Planning is the step that connects these two questions.

Every organization has set some objectives and goals, only through planning it is possible to reach those goals.

On the basis of function planning can be divided into three categories –

➧ Short Term : 1-2 years duration – i.e. production planning.

Medium Term : 2-5 years term – i.e. marketing plan.

Long Term : 5 years or more – i.e. product diversification plan, future expansion plan.

For example -

  • What kind of organizational structure do we want? (organizing)
  • What kind of staff is required and when? (Staffing)
  • How to lead employees in a coherent manner? (Leading)
  • What national criteria are needed to regulate the activity? (Controlling)

Every plan needs to set objectives or goals, prescribe governance and procedures, and record regulations.

The objectives of the plan are –

  • Achieving lofty goals.
  • Coping with change.
  • Utilization of resources. Be humble.
  • Enhancing organizational integration.
  • Creating an environment of integrated management.

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