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Concept of Problem Solving : Algorithm and Flowchart

Problem-solving in computers is a systematic approach to finding solutions using logical steps. It involves breaking a complex problem into smaller, manageable steps that can be executed using a computer program. The two fundamental tools used for problem-solving in computing are Algorithms and Flowcharts.


An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve a given problem. It consists of a finite sequence of instructions that leads to a desired output. An algorithm should be clear, well-defined, finite, and effective.

Characteristics of a Good Algorithm

  1. Well-defined Input and Output – The algorithm should clearly specify input and the expected output.

  2. Finite Steps – It must terminate after a limited number of steps.

  3. Unambiguous – Each step must be clearly defined and lead to only one interpretation.

  4. Effective and Feasible – It should be practically executable within a reasonable time and resources.

  5. Generality – It should be applicable to a variety of problems of the same type.

Example of an Algorithm

Problem: Find the sum of two numbers.
  1. Start

  2. Read two numbers A and B

  3. Compute sum = A + B

  4. Display sum

  5. Stop


A flowchart is a visual representation of an algorithm using symbols to depict different types of actions. It helps in understanding the flow of a program in an easy and structured way.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

  1. Oval (Terminator): Represents the start or end of a flowchart.

  2. Parallelogram (Input/Output): Represents input or output operations.

  3. Rectangle (Process): Represents processing steps such as calculations.

  4. Diamond (Decision): Represents decision-making with conditions (Yes/No).

  5. Arrows: Indicate the flow of execution.

Example Flowchart for Adding Two Numbers

  1. Start (Oval)

  2. Input A, B (Parallelogram)

  3. Sum = A + B (Rectangle)

  4. Display Sum (Parallelogram)

  5. Stop (Oval)


Understanding algorithms and flowcharts is essential for effective problem-solving in computer programming. Algorithms provide a logical approach to solving problems, while flowcharts visually represent these steps, making them easier to interpret and implement in programming languages.