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Components of Computer System

Computer system mainly consists of four components and they are –

1. Hardware

2. Software

3. Firmware

4. Peopleware or Liveware

Hardware: A computer is made up of many devices and these devices are connected to each other with the help of electrical circuits.

Example: Central processing unit (CPU), storage unit or memory unit, input unit, output unit,  SMPS., various chips, motherboard, hard-disk, monitor, RAM etc.

Definition: The mechanical or physical parts that make up a computer system and which are connected to each other with the help of electrical circuits are called computer hardware.

Software: A set of instructions given to a computer to perform a task is called a program. Humans or users give the necessary instructions to the computer through programs or commands through different languages ​​and the desired problem is solved.

Example: System software like DOS, WINDOWS etc. In addition, MS Office, mass print, database programs, various computer languages ​​- BASIC, FortAN, C, C++ etc.

Definition: Computer software is a collection of programs and associated data that provide instructions to a computer system to perform a specific task.

Firmware: Firmware is usually a combination of hardware and software stored in read-only software.

Examples: Examples of firmware are ROM BIOS, embedded system software, firmware controlled devices are TV remotes, traffic lights, mobile phones etc.

Definition: Firmware is a combination of computer hardware, computer instructions and associated data stored in read-only memory to perform a specific task.

Peopleware or Liveware: Computer systems are designed by humans and the necessary software and hardware are developed by these humans. These people in the computer system are called peopleware.

Example: Hardware Engineer, Software Engineer, Programmer, System Manager etc.

Definition: People associated with computer systems who design or make computer hardware and software are called peopleware.