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Computer Memory or Storage Unit


 Memory is an important part of computers. Here various types of data and information are stored and represented in association with binary digits. This memory made of magnetic material or non-conductive material is a collection of cells and each memory cell is a collection of bits. The number of these bits again varies from computer to computer. For example - 8, 16, 24, 32, 64 etc. The number of memory cells is expressed by k (where K = 210 = 1024). There are 16k memory cells, that means 16 x 1024 = 16384 memory cells. Each memory is again identified by a unique number and this number is called address. Each of these cells contains a word consisting of a few letters, so it is often called a word.

Definition: The part of the computer that permanently or temporarily stores data or information is called storage unit or memory.

Example: RAM, hard disk, CD DVD etc.

Every computer has memory or memory current. When a program is executed, the program needs to be in memory. If any input data is needed to run the program it also needs to be brought into memory. After execution of the program the result or output is stored in memory after completion of all operations or during execution.

Classification of Memory:

Primary Memory or Main Memory: 

All memory which is directly connected to CPU and stores data or information temporarily or temporarily is called main memory or primary memory. This memory is also known as semiconductor memory. Because this memory uses semiconductor devices to match the speed of the CPU. A memory is an aggregate of several nits. Storage capacity of memory is usually Byte, Megabyte, Gigabyte etc. The relationship between them is given below-

Types of Primary Memory:

According to the type of primary memory data storage, it is again divided into two parts, such as - (i) RAM - Random Access Memory, (ii) ROM - Read Only Memory.

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