The purpose of staffing is to select the best employees for the work of the organization and to provide for their skill and qualification enhancement if necessary. We have seen that organizational structures are formed by grouping together similar or similar activities and assigning only one executive to one class of work. In such a situation, it is necessary to select and hire personnel for various tasks in the organization so that operations continue. Because the execution process starts from the directing phase. So the next process is recruitment. Selection is decided on the basis of skill and experience of the individual and accordingly they are appointed to the post commensurate with their skill and experience. If necessary, they are trained.
Therefore, the purpose of staffing is to fill the various positions of the Organization Structure. This may include horizontal movement or transfer and vertical movement or promotion of employees. Each branch of production according to the subject discussed; Is there a need for one engineer each for machine shop, forge shop and foundry shop, one or more supervisors for such operations and educational qualification and training? This is an important aspect of the staffing process as it enables us to carry out the recruitment process in an integrated manner.